Yes. Life Framer respects your rights and does not claim copyright for works you submit to the award. You will retain full copyright in each entry, with us granted a licence to use it for specific purposes (e.g. on our social media and in relation to the winners exhibitions). For more details, please read our full rules.

You enter Life Framer by logging-in to your ‘my LF’ account.

After payment you will be redirected automatically to the account registration page where you can create your ‘my LF’ account. If for any reason this doesn’t happen, or you lose the link, you can go back there here:

Please ensure that you register with the same email address as the one you used to pay (you can change it to another address in your account settings afterwards if you need).

Once you have your ‘my LF’ account, you can submit at any point by logging-in from our homepage (the ‘my LF’ button) and then clicking ‘Submit’ on the ‘my LF’ landing page.

The membership option enables you to enter up to 10 images per theme for the next 12 consecutive themes of Life Framer. At whatever point you become a member, you will be able to enter the current theme and 11 further consecutive themes. Given that Life Framer runs in editions of 12 monthly themes followed by a series of exhibitions, if you join as a member during the middle of one edition, your membership will continue into the next edition (e.g. if there are 5 monthly themes remaining at the point you become a member, you will be able to enter those, along with the first 7 monthly themes of the subsequent edition).

It also enables you exclusive access to enter the Series Award – a separate, annual award for a body of images. The current Series Award is open and you can find out more about it here.

Becoming a member also grants your feedback on your Series Award submission – detailed and constructive comments provided by our guest critic team.

The rules can be found here. We have a strict no rights-grabbing policy, and the rest is fairly straightforward, but please do read them before entering.

Rules, Usage and Copyright

Read our rules in full and find out about how we use your images

Your ‘my LF’ Account

Set up your account and keep it safe and sound.

Submission Process

If you need help before, during or after your submission, this is the place to be.

Image Requirements

Find out about requirements for your images before submitting to the award

The Series Award

Learn all you need to know about our Series Award


Learn all you need to know about the membership special features

Your Life Framer Profile

Learn what your Profile page is all about

Prizes and Exhibitions

Clarification on how our prizes and award exhibitions work

Can’t find your answer? You can always email us: [email protected]