Poetry of Chance



Following Eric Bouvet’s selection of winning images for our recent Street Life competition, this compilation of 20 images represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Each a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention…

When selecting for editor’s picks we’re always searching for those striking photographs that make for an unforgettable single image, whether from a broader series or not. We enjoy the accompanying text some photographers submit with their images, and while not always necessary it can be relevant when understanding the work in full context.

These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.


Envy consumes the viewer, as the simplicity and luxury of this little moment radiates beyond the borders of the scene. The photographer thoughtfully considers the wider surrounding space while avoiding the temptation to zoom in, in doing so allowing the moment to settle as it sits framed within a frame. A warm and welcoming scene. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Marrakech, 2022.


The photographer presents a mundane scene, but one also full of patterns. Grey blocks, grids and parallel lines build this street view – the drab backdrop momentarily punctuated by the bright red bus. The viewer is encouraged to ruminate on this easily overlooked, everyday scene – pondering the lives of those beyond the windows of the bus, shops and building. Some static, others passing through. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Time Capsule. A modern bus was in front of an old building from the 50s capturing the two different time horizon and documenting the evolution of a city (Hong Kong).


The subject and street sign are positioned within the scene as if the portrait itself was a random snapshot. The subject smiles casually as they pose indifferently on the short wall, their tracksuit matching the background buildings as many vibrant colors weave around her. A beautifully balanced street portrait full of youthful confidence, hope and positivity. – LIFE FRAMER


Through the photographer’s exploration of imperfections and rawness of reality, they create a soft, textured and wistful moment composed with a simple color palette. This effortless scene allows the viewer to immerse their senses – projecting nostalgia and ideas of a past they may not have ever experienced onto the image. A beautifully balanced photograph, rich with skill and style – on both sides of the lens. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Exploring new avenues is a constant for me. Recently, I delved into creating self-portraits inspired by street photography in Berlin’s historic center. Thus, “Berta Goes Wild” was born. Capturing the essence of a woman from the 50s, embracing imperfections through long exposure, photobombing imitations and lots of clumsiness made this experience truly unique for me. Stepping away from my usual pursuit of perfection felt surprisingly relaxing.


The young girl’s facial expression seems to epitomize the long and arduous work she and her mother must carry out to be part of this fruitful but challenging night time economy. The photographer ensures the movement happens around the two street vendors, highlighting their anonymity to the potential customers and passersby. A poignantly documented situation, this scene seems to tell many interweaving stories at once. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Midnight Hustle on Bùi Viện Street in Saigon, Vietnam – This image captures a mother & daughter duo working at their food cart on Bùi Viện Street in Saigon, Vietnam, well into the night. Taken at 11pm, it highlights their enduring work ethic & the lively night culture of the city. Their dedication to their business, amidst the vibrant street life of Saigon, speaks volumes about the resilience and perseverance of local entrepreneurs. This scene is a testament to the hardworking spirit that thrives in the city’s dynamic atmosphere.


There is something joyful about the scene – not just fun action of jumping and diving – but the idea that these young people decide to use a structure for something other than what it is intended for, passing beyond the limitations of its basic function and enjoying it for something more frivolous. The image celebrates moments of innocence, expression and exploration, elevated by nostalgic film colors. After a short while, the reality of a gas station on the water’s edge reminds the viewer of the concerns and dangers this generation will inherit as they deal with the fallout from the climate crisis. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – At La Tremblade French village, a gas station is a place selected by boys to dive into the sea.


An intense and potentially concerning situation unfolds as the viewer contemplates the logistics of so many children perched on one motorbike. The photographer gets up close with their flash to capture this bizarre but seemingly normal commute, however the driver appears unperturbed, perhaps even amused at the photographer’s interest in them. An eye-opening image, full of action and detail – some accompanying text and more from this photographer’s project would help with context on intention and style. – LIFE FRAMER


The low angle gives these children both an authoritarian and mischievous edge to their positions, their playtime free of the politics and protest memorialized beneath them. A hopeful moment captured by a photographer whose eyes are open to these simple, fleeting moments that are happening around them. The black and white element minimizes the difference in the generations and emphasizes the accomplishment achieved by those who fought for their right and the rights of future generations. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Children playing on the Mound of brotherhood Monument, Sofia, Bulgaria.


On an initial, simple observation the image is sectioned into strips of light and dark, color and pattern. However, beyond the textures and colors of the hanging fabric the faceless figure creates a bit of unease within the scene – for no specific reason beyond the unknown of the surrounding darkness. There’s an inquisitive, almost intrusive feeling to the photographer’s approach, as they navigate the street and the doorways they pass. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Silhouette, Faizabad, India.


Capturing humor within street photography is a skill beyond the photography itself. Sometimes the humor takes a while to reveal itself, but once it has been recognized it’s impossible to unsee. In an era of digital imagery and manipulation it’s an achievement to document authentic interactions, while leaving a scene untouched – so, images like this one are to be celebrated and enjoyed. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Captured in downtown Phnom Penh in 2021. The orange tones provided a great background for this amazing game of chess between a chicken and a man.


Children bring so much color and light heartedness to a scene – their ability to see fun and entertainment in the simplest of spaces is unbridled and to be cherished. The viewer is treated to a scene full of this juvenile talent. Their are so many faces and expressions to observe within this one scene, yet the photographer manages to allow space for each subject. A busy and energetic street shot that leaves a lasting feeling of warmth and reassurance. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – “Sliding” in the streets of Istanbul.


A magical scene, as if not photographed but just conjured directly from a fable or folk story. The delicate use of natural light allows each character to glow, concentrated and exact, in their own right. The photographer’s detailed approach to storytelling and capturing the nuance aspects of daily life is abundant throughout the image. A storyful and magnetic scene. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The Barber Shop. The barber ‘under the tree’ is an Indian tradition. Agra.


Shape and shadow complement one another in this playful street portrait, enhanced in the soft, golden sunlight. The subject stands unidentified, masked behind the instrument – whether this is intentional or accidental is unknown to the viewer, so their personal items are observed to give further clues to their identity. A charming scene from the street, celebrating the many buskers and musicians that frequent these places as part of their practices. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Turkey. I like to photograph people in their everyday surroundings, natural behavior. I make candid street photos, simplifying the chaotic mess of life with a sense of beauty, to bring out some mystery and order.


Festivities and celebrations explode from this image, easily bringing a sense of joy to any viewer who’s eyes observe the scene. Layers of traditional garments, elaborate jewellery and colorful signage surround the bride and groom who are almost hidden in the middle of this energetic scene. The sharpness of the scene allows the viewer to take in each participant, their actions and attire, from foreground to background. A candid and exciting photograph of a traditional custom. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Mumbai.


The image title appears quite apt as the viewer surveys this crowned subject, as they move silently through the scene unaware of their own regal presence. The photographer has cleverly captured this brief meeting of perspectives, taking advantage of low angle and the amusement ride in full flight. A quick and humorous street portrait. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – “The King”. Paris 2023. A man walking in a summer fair.


An intense scene pulls the viewer in as heat and concentrated expressions fill the frame, all seemingly in aid of candyfloss. The brightly colored clouds appear, created by some complex procedure of heat and quick delicate movements. The photographer chooses the perfect perspective to amplify the uniqueness of this confectionary creation. A fascinating and insightful scene. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Mexico City, Mexico.


Sunset illuminates spaces unlike any other time of the day, and here the reflective ground surface adds another element of atmosphere and amusement to the populated scene. The photographer times their image well as they capture one of these shadowy figures jumping mid air – as if expressing the shared emotion of each person experiencing the same vista. A stunning street shot, well composed and framed. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The photograph shows the lively ambiance of Zadar, Croatia, at its renowned sunset spot. Amidst a sea of people revelling in the golden hour, the composition takes a unique perspective. From a distance, silhouettes of individuals against the setting sun create a striking contrast and a beautiful reflection through the floor made out of glass. Positioned on the right side of the frame, a figure suspended mid-air captures attention ,a person caught in the act of jumping for a selfie, injecting an unexpected dynamic into the backdrop of the setting sun.


A single hand reaches out to the sky, as if stretching beyond the city’s physical restraints with a final realization that humanity and the climate crisis are connected. The solo cloud moving like a last hope just out of grasp. With this blend of form and structure, the photographer encourages the viewer to see beyond the abstract composition and link deeper issues to the scene. An insightful image, and clever street photography. The wider series would be no doubt welcomed by the viewer. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – My series HEAT ISLAND documents Manhattan street life and was shot over a three year period (2012-15) all on ‘official heatwave days’ *. The photographs are part of a larger series committed to the theme of the Urban Heat Island Effect. The usually present sunshine within this specific city became important to me both aesthetically and technically, although my overall aim in photographing is to communicate different aspects of humanity from the everyday encounter. ‘Heat Island’ therefore was guided by our favorite star (the Sun) which helps highlight the growing importance of our less increasingly casual attitude towards global warming.

* Official heatwave as defined by National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) – at least 3 consecutive days with high temperatures of at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


This surreal street scene delicately highlights the issue of technology taking over our lives – bridging the real world and the digital one for the viewer to try to pull apart and identify. The blue and white tones are an indicator of the screens that are always turned on, present and awaiting our attention. An alluring image with a message on the deeper dangers we face as digital technology advances beyond humankind’s own development. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The artificial light diffused in the city at night is ephemeral and immediate. The flickering light seems to be the same, but it is constantly shifting, stagnating, and turning on again as a new light. Modern people value virtual space, and real space is valuable only in some places. and other places are losing their meaning. In a city that has become a mere shell of itself, information overflows with meaninglessness. The relationship between people’s lives and the city seems to have begun to become distorted. When I wander the streets late at night after work, I lose sight of my position in the city.


A perplexing scene welcomes the viewer, evoking many questions on the connection between the cut-out figure and person casually standing on the street – even perceptions on masculinity of the time, come into play. The black and white gives the street scene a classic feel, embedding it right where it belongs. A fun and quirky street scene with many intriguing aspects for the viewer to mull on. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Sixth Avenue, NYC 1985.

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