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Find out about more about your Profile, and what to do with it.

Every Life Framer entrant and member has the opportunity to create a Profile – a public page which you can use to feature a single series or a selection from your portfolio. It’s designed to complement your own website, or act as a introduction to your work if you don’t have one.

Once created, your Profile is publicly accessible, so you can share a link to it on social media, or email it out to your own network.

We feature some of our favorites on the Collection and you can request for yours to be featured via your ‘my LF’ account. Members also use their Profile to submit to the Series Award and request feedback.

To create your Profile, log-in to ‘my LF’. You’ll then see the ‘Profile’ button – click this and you’ll be guided through the process. When you are logged-in to ‘my LF’, you’ll see your profile in ‘Edit’ mode, and when logged-out you’ll see it in ‘Publish’ mode, just like everyone else sees it.

You can access your own with the format

Your Profile is entirely separate to your entries for the monthly themes – you enter these via the ‘my LF’ ‘Submit’ area. You do however use your Profile to submit to the Series Award (members only).

If you get stuck while creating your Profile, drop us an email and we’ll be happy to help – [email protected]

No, you only have one Profile, and it has been designed for featuring a single series or portfolio of work. It is not meant as a replacement for your own portfolio website, rather as a community space to further celebrate a single series of your work.

We feature some of our favorite Profiles in the Collection. You can put your Profile forward using the button within ‘my LF’. Please note – we can’t feature everyone’s Profile, and so our editors will review your work and make a decision. If yours is selected, we’ll send you an email to let you know.

When you are happy with your Profile, press the ‘Request Feedback’ button within ‘my LF’. Please note however, you only get one opportunity to do this, and so ensure that your Profile is complete before submitting it.

One of our editorial team will then review your work and provide feedback, however please note that the turn-around can sometimes be a little while (2-3 weeks is typical).

Can’t find your answer? You can always email us: [email protected]