Dancing on the Visible Spectrum


Colors Editors’ Pick

“I’m mystified that anyone thinks liking color is a bad thing” – Saul Leiter

Banner image courtesy of Heiko Hellwig from the series ‘Silicon Cities’.

www.heikohellwig.com and Instagram: @heikohellwig

Following Lorenzo Vitturi’s selection of winning images for our ‘COLORS’ theme, this compilation of 20 images, selected by the Life Framer editors represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Some are more literal representations of the theme, and others are more abstract, but each one is a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention.

These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.

Image and text courtesy of Julia Comita.

www.juliacomita.com and Instagram: @juliacomita

Image and text courtesy of Alessandra Dinnella from the series ‘Life of Flowers’.

“This project is inspired by the idea of impermanence and illusion of reality in Zen philosophy. Using flowers as an ephemeral subject I painted them with unreal colours to give a feeling of abstraction. In these photographs the flowers are captured out of the flow of time, conveying in this way the illusion of a constant present moment and expanded memory of it”.

www.alessandradinnella.com and Instagram: @alessandra_din

Image courtesy of Amanda Fordyce from the series ‘India’ – a travel diary from Kochi to Mumbai.

www.amandafordyce.com and Instagram: @amandafordycephoto

Image and text courtesy of Andrew Wajs from the series ‘Ijmuiden; The Mechanical Eye’.

“Ijmuiden is a fishing town in the Netherlands. What I find interesting in Ijmuiden is industrialization of what we normally think of as being a pre-industrial interaction between people and nature.

I have designed digital cameras. What is quite surprising is how much effort goes into having the camera produce images that we consider to be natural. We often think of a camera as a mechanical eye, however a camera captures and processes images entirely differently to the human visual system. Camera designers spend enormous amounts of effort tinkering with parameters to have the camera create a natural looking image and this becomes very difficult in low light conditions. Capturing images at night highlights the divergence of visualization between human and machine. You perceive the image as being other worldly and unnatural. You feel reassured in the cameras failure in its mission to be a mechanical eye”.

www.wajs.nl and Instagram: @andrew.wajs

Image courtesy of Massimo Giovannini.

www.massimogiovannini.com and Instagram: @massimo.giovannini

Image courtesy of Riley Halliday.

www.thriftsandprints.com and Instagram: @thriftsandprints

Image courtesy of Jakub Pasierkiewicz.


Image and text courtesy of Dyllan Corbett.

“Caught by the way everyday architecture and lighting can create cinematic moods I choose to shoot 35mm on my Minolta SRT as it engages with my practice as a professional cinematographer”.

www.dyllancorbett.com and Instagram: @dyllan_corbett

Image courtesy of Erika Ritzel.

www.erikaritzel.com and Instagram: @erikaritzel

Image courtesy of Logan Norton.

www.logannortonphotography.com and Instagram: @logan_norton

Image and text courtesy of Steven Mitchell.

“This image was taken whilst wandering the streets of Hong Kong on a recent holiday. I was struck by the many contrasts that exist there, particularly the old ways of life crashing against the shiny global economy which provides a wonderful backdrop for image-making”.

Instagram: @smitch_pics

Image and text courtesy of Mattia Gobbi.

“I lived in China for 9 years and the country become an obsession for me. I choose to create a series with a special film – I wanted to transmit to people how China is a totally different world to the one I knew before”.

www.mattiagobbiphotography.wordpress.com and Instagram: @mattiablink

Image courtesy of Ada Cerdá.

www.adacerdagaliana.com and Instagram: @adacerdada

Image and text courtesy of Ali Besikci.

“My photographs represent neither time nor place. I see them all as elements of one unknown feeling I am in search for”.

www.alibesikci.com and Instagram: @besikciali

’99 Dreams’: Image courtesy of Suju Park.

Instagram: @sujupark

Image and text courtesy of Christopher Horne.

“The color tones in my grandmother’s retirement home are dominated by mint green light brown and egg white. Since my grandmother is a loving lady with a big heart it seems to me that her presence fills the scene with color”.

www.christopherhorne.de and Instagram: @ch_horne

Image courtesy of Imogen Forte.

www.imogenforte.com and Instagram: @imogenforte

‘Where to Stay, India’. Image courtesy of Donell Gumiran.

Instagram: @donnellgumiran

‘Bowery, 2017’: Image courtesy of Melissa O’Shaughnessy from the series ‘Chinatown, NYC’.

www.melissaoshaughnessy.com and Instagram: @melissaoshaughnessy

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About the Author:

Amaury G
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