In Rainbows



Following Djeneba Aduayom’s selection of winning images for our recent Colors competition, this compilation of 20 images represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Each a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention…

When selecting for editor’s picks we’re always searching for those striking photographs that make for an unforgettable single image, whether from a broader series or not. We enjoy the accompanying text some photographers submit with their images, and while not always necessary it can be relevant when understanding the work in full context.

These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.


A sense of abundance washes over the image as the viewer is immediately transported above the landscape allowing them to consume the vibrant vista from corner to corner, edge to edge. The photographer cleverly composes the scene allowing the river to remain vast and vital as it winds its way through the immense green landscape. It’s interesting to observe how the presence of one color can represent so many levels of growth, prosperity and life. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The snake of the Okavango, Botswana.


The photographer highlights the exciting, energetic elements of this street scene. Depth and perspective are skewed as the viewer attempts to consume this image as one piece, the individual aspects of the image connected only through punchy colors and vibrant street style . An arresting and vigorous moment creatively caught on camera. – LIFE FRAMER


A sense of quiet melancholy hangs in the air of this icey scene. The subtle spectrum of rainbow colors isn’t always so familiar within icescapes and seascapes from the Arctic region, however its presence enables the viewer to feel the warmth and connection the photographer describes within their accompanying text. The juxtaposition of these warm tones against a cold environment echoes the inner conflict the photographer has about visiting an area irreparably damaged by humans and their presence. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – I had an opportunity to travel to Antarctica in December 2022. While on location, I was struck by the massive landscape and history of this region of our planet. I came home with work that reflected my inner conflict feeling both excited to travel to such a place of raw beauty, seemingly untouched by humans while also processing the guilt of entering a space as a member of the species that has caused so much damage over a relatively short time. These images tell the complicated story of how we relate to planet Earth, the highs and the lows of our relationship, and coming to terms with our future.

Whispers of an Iceberg – I fell in love with an iceberg. It was floating overturned exposing its smooth underbelly carved from the saltwater currents and colored with algae. I was charmed as I listened to the sounds of air bubbles escaping their icy traps. This painterly scene also told another story, one that was anything but enchanting. This iceberg was one of many melting quickly due to the climate crisis as the Arctic is warming three times faster than the global average. Although an iceberg is not alive, it does have a life cycle that plays a role in the ecosystem impacting the entire planet. I’m back home, thousands of miles away from where I took this image. Looking at it now, I remember beauty but I see the disturbing reality of how natural disasters are not so natural.


A group gathers casually within this perfect square dreamscape, the basketball hoops cutting a striking silhouette against the phenomenal backdrop, awash with hues of pink and purple. The viewer is invited to get lost in the scene and consume the surroundings – hearing the chatter of the people on the court and the waves crashing in the background, and feeling the end of day heat as it fades with the sunset. A truly aesthetically pleasing scene well sought out and captured by the photographer. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.


The acid green hull of the boat sets itself as a captivating backdrop, elevating the image with elements of intrigue and amusement. The photographer has made an interesting observation on how these men appear to be creating a charming and impactful mural as if it was just another mundane practicality within their duties. The viewer is left to consider the difficulty of this task for the subjects as they tackle each area of the boat and apply another coat of vibrancy on its various textures. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Work art work. It’s not meant to be art – and is even more so. Little idea had these hard working men in Dhaka, Bangladesh, of how spectacular they and their painting on the boat looked. It is this contrast the picture lives of, between the beautiful colours and patterns in the background and the pragmatism radiated by the men in their grey and dirty clothes. It also fits that yellow, the colour of hope, happiness and positivity dominates this picture, as this is what I see in and wish for the people of Bangladesh.


The photographer takes a low, close angle behind their subject to bring the viewer directly into this unnatural and exotic enclosure. Although the python remains stationary, the image is full of vibrancy and energy, as if the snake could instantaneously strike or dart in any direction. A perfectly positioned and lit portrait of an infamous reptile, living within an unusual environment. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Python on edge at the Newport Aquarium in Kentucky, USA.


Fall season comes with its own set of colors and tones, rich and warm, inviting people into woodlands and mountains for their own autumnal experience. The photographer’s postcard from fall ensures each layer of the scene embodies a completely different natural space than the next, from bright floral foreground to a fading mountainous backdrop and vast sunlit sky. The result is a nostalgic landscape scene that’s full of life. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Fall colors of Ptarmigan Ridge, WA.


The photographer achieves their balance of inspiration and process with this delicately detailed capture. Although the image is predominantly dark, the tonal aspects and golden highlights keep it immersive while still tangible and absorbing. A poetic scene of natural elements at play. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Inspired by Rothko and Turner, I photograph light on sea water and achieve painting-like textures and shades, light becomes paint…


Subject and color contradict each other as the viewers interpret a colder situation than the subjects seem to be experiencing, as the faint blue gradient fades from sky to sea where the beach bathers sit comfortably in the sun’s rays. The photographer’s choice of light touch tone and shade creates an unfamiliar but seamless finish. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Tel Aviv winter vibes.


An astonishing sight immediately captivates the viewer as dynamic patterns of natural light dance and weave through the night sky. As the Northern Lights flicker above, the photographer chooses to frame a moment of raw energy and excitement, as if the sky is in mid explosion above them. An animated moment of otherworldly wonder in full flow. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Roaring Aurora Borealis, Alberta, Canada.


A simple scene of opposing form and texture engages the viewer, as the primary colors balance and anchor the image. The single cumulus cloud floats effortlessly, unrestrained above and in dichotomy with the immovable barrier below. The photographer has taken time to compose a mindful photograph of conflicting subjects in a complimentary style. – LIFE FRAMER


As this cat lies totally unaware of its accolades and achievements, it encourages the viewer to ponder why we as humans allocate so much devotion, celebration and praise to our domestic pets. The photographer uses skill and humour to frame and expose this strange but also familiar scene. A thought provoking and charming photograph – a wider series of this style of work would no doubt be fascinating. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Cat worship 03.


An intense orange and spirited sunset fills the frame. The scene is almost synonymous with this east African country – flat topped, tall trees on the horizon against a burning sun backdrop. The image provokes the viewer to consider the colorways associated with different parts of the planet, and how some places are more recognizable than others due to their natural color palettes. A peaceful, welcomed scene. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The fading colours as the sun goes down in Kenya.


While most observers of the scene would see an ugly and unnecessary interruption of the natural landscape, the photographer takes an interesting perspective and considers the beauty of the discarded object. The result is an elegantly composed frame depicting the overlooked areas where nature and humans subtly clash, underlining the careless waste culture we still employ and its effects on these areas of biodiversity. You can almost imagine a future generation uncovering such an object – perhaps a relic of a time when we cared little for the environments we inhabit. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Underpass, Digital, The light rail moved in, the Target was close, and the bridge provides shelter. Everybody throws things away. This trolley may be wet, bent, and out of place, but it’s still beautiful.


A puzzle of shape and shadow creates this unusual portrait, the photographer observing the scene unfolding before carefully capturing it. The viewer studies the subject and ponders the responsibilities of their day and the journey ahead. A color palette of washed out blues allows the small amounts of orange to pop and for shadows to appear like individual structures. It would be great to see how this image fits within the wider series and how the photographer imparts their style across it. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – My series Julio sheds light on a journey through contemporary Cuba, spanning from east to west, crossing the entire country. Due to its geographical location, the island has a tumultuous political and social history. Since the 1960s, after the revolution led by Castro, the nation proclaimed itself a socialist state. This decision led to ongoing tensions with the United States that are palpable to this day. The island finds itself isolated from much of the outside world in various ways.

For decades, the country has managed to endure. However, as of 2023, the challenges of sustaining the nation’s liveability have been steadily growing. The impact of the coronavirus crisis and the position of ally Russia have further compounded Cuba’s issues. Tourism has dwindled, and hotels stand vacant. How does the nation experience this impasse of unprecedented economic scarcity?

The fascination with what makes Cuba uniquely Cuban–the explosion of colors and vibrancy–is explored during a journey spanning several weeks. How do the inhabitants of this island experience a silenced isolation? Through Julio I attempt to capture the delicate line between life and survival, one that is trodden upon every day with the utmost care.


The photographer aims to create an ethereal scene to embody the less tangible aspects of human life, the complex emotional and transitional stages we must experience as we journey through the ebb and flow of our existence. It’s a fascinating creative challenge, and the output is an abstract but alluring visual stimulation, with an enchanting use of material, texture and color. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – My works incorporate thin sheets of polyethylene to obscure, abstract, and consider transparency as both material and concept. These colorful transparent installations act as a representation for the colorful psychological and spiritual planes we navigate throughout our life.


The image reads as much like an illustration from a children’s story book as a photograph – that visual language emphasized by the blocks of primary colors on show and the simple shapes created by strong shadows. The viewer is intrigued by the two little silhouettes conspiring at the end of the high-walled alleyway, plotting their next move as if anywhere is their playground. This neighbourhood scene is a warm, joyous snapshot of youth, play and community. – LIFE FRAMER


A strong and engaging portrait of pattern and contrast, simply created with a clever angle and use of natural light. The accompanying text invites the viewer to question what type of tasks and responsibilities this caretaker upholds during his daily occupation within this ancient city. It’s an image that would sit well within a photo-essay on the subject’s vocation, or the wider tourist industry in Egypt. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Luxor, Egypt. Caretaker blending into the background, always seeing, always present.


The image is dominated by the shadows of the intruding nightfall, while patches of a vibrant sunset still hold strong on the river’s liquid mirror surface. The viewer observes the solo subject, appearing to relish the tranquillity of their surroundings and the moment of solitude. An image where the viewer’s imagination can escape into peace or adventure. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Dusk On The River. When The Sun Goes Down, Borneo.


A dark dramatic landscape welcomes the viewer, where an unusual rocky formation dominates and a particularly distinctive strip of fiery colors draws focus. The photographer composes the scene to allow plenty of space around the geological feature, enabling the viewer to observe the striking pattern from a more natural perspective. A considered photograph of a remarkable structure that may be organic or possibly a by-product of human industry. – LIFE FRAMER

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