Listening to the Silence



Following Charlie Hamilton James’s selection of winning images for our recent Animal Kingdom competition, this compilation of 20 images represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Each a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention…

When selecting for editor’s picks we’re always searching for those striking photographs that make for an unforgettable single image, whether from a broader series or not. We enjoy the accompanying text some photographers submit with their images, and while not always necessary it can be relevant when understanding the work in full context.

These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.


The black and white aspect of the scene gives the landscape an unfamiliar quality – appearing almost like the surface of another planet. The photographer has composed the image to carefully capture the pattern and textures of this layered landscape in its raw and repetitive form. A simple and effective scene of tone, shade and form, with the small animal hidden in broad daylight in the center of the frame grounding the image with a sense of magnitude. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Freedom, Kherson Canyon, Ukraine. This image is from my series The Art of Nature which explores my love of black and white photography and nature. We see animals living in landscapes that demonstrate how big and powerful Mother Nature is.


This clean and exact image is layered with multiple meanings and interpretations when viewed in conjunction with the photographer’s caption. The viewer is left to study the scene and its subjects, beyond their obvious physical traits, to understand their metaphorical presence and cultural references. In addition the viewer is also asked to question their own personal relationship with the scene, making this photograph far more relatable and intimate than it initially appears. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – From the series Shipwrecked in the Night. The German philosopher Edmund Husserl, one of the founding fathers of phenomenology, emphasized the importance of awareness and subjective experience. In my nighttime photographs, I aim to capture not only the physical darkness but also the darkness of the human soul. Each shot is an exploration of our personal perception of the night and its effects on our mood. Objects and portions of the landscape are brought to life by a flash or artificial light, creating an isolation that invites contemplation, revealing the hidden poetry in the ordinary. Light serves as both a guide and an enigma, sculpting forms in the darkness. Through this interplay, I delve into the duality of presence and absence, seeking a sense of mystery and introspection.


An unorthodox scene awaits the viewer’s observations, where the natural world and concrete jungle collide. Wild animals crossing into densely (human) populated, urban areas isn’t uncommon but always appears jarring and discomforting. The black and white element gives the image an overall feeling of surveillance and uncertainty. The photographer has cleverly captured and framed this moment at the most optimal time. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Owl, The REACH at the Kennedy Center, Washington DC, February 2022. From the series Lights On, Lights Off.


Insects may be a strange choice as a pet for most, however the photographer has carefully captured this moment devoid of color to portray a unique bond, one seemingly effortless and comfortable. The viewer takes time to observe the image, the soft shades and tones making for a visually pleasing experience. An uncomplicated image with plenty of care and understanding at the heart of it. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – My son Toby and his pet Bones, the praying mantis.


There is so much joy and humour in this one image, the flash spotlighting the monkey as if it is jumping out from behind the leaves to surprise the photographer. The viewer is left to consider the concept of animals possessing their own personality and interacting on a human level. A brilliantly timed image, composed equally with a calm colour palette and a welcomed playful atmosphere. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The animals seem to present themselves in front of my camera, and I like the effect of their participation in the image. This creates a fusion of human and animal.


The photographer’s love for storytelling is apparent with the composition of this dramatic scene; the wolves standing confidently on their rock, as the low camera angle enhances their status and power, while the monochromatic finish allows the focus to remain solely on the two brothers. An engaging image full of cinematic qualities. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – From the series Majestic Creatures. In my exploration of wildlife photography, I find inspiration in the immersive storytelling techniques of motion pictures. The visual language, dynamic compositions, and emotional depth seen on the silver screen have fueled my passion for capturing intimate wildlife portraits. I meticulously compose my images to reveal the mystic aura of the subjects. Through the lens, I seek to create a visual dialogue that transcends the boundaries between the viewer and the animal, offering a glimpse into their enchanted world. Through my intimate animal portraits, I invite viewers to connect with the subjects on a personal level, fostering empathy for the delicate balance of life in the animal kingdom. In blending the artistry of cinema, tv shows and pop culture, with the authenticity of wildlife photography, I hope to inspire a renewed appreciation for the wonders of nature and ignite a sense of responsibility toward its preservation.

This image: Brothers in Arms. The wolf, a creature of the wild, possesses an innate understanding of hierarchy, cooperation, and the importance of protecting the pack. Similarly, brothers in arms share a code of honor, placing the welfare of their comrades above personal interests. In the crucible of battle, they become a united force, their bonds as resilient as the sinewy ties that bind a wolf pack. Just as a wolf relies on the pack for survival, brothers in arms draw strength from the shared sense of purpose and the knowledge that they are not alone in facing the storm. In the face of adversity, their collective spirit, like the relentless gaze of a wolf, remains unyielding. Wolves exhibit an unparalleled sense of family duty, caring for their young with an attentive devotion. The pack works in harmony to nurture and protect the pups, ensuring their growth into formidable members of the pack. Siblings play together, learn together, and forge bonds that will serve as the foundation for their shared existence in the expansive wilderness.


A spectacular scene unfolds before the viewer, as shape and movement quickly come into focus as predator and prey through this watery veil. The bird is immense and full of strength as the fish appears stunned and helpless. The photographer has knowingly positioned themselves in the perfect spot to catch this intense and thrilling moment. A photograph well suited to the pages of National Geographic. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Baja Breakfast.


The photographer chooses to capture this simple moment, which beyond its subtleties is a symbolic reflection of the beautiful and innocent relationship between children and animals. The bonds created with pets can reach far beyond a basic companionship, providing emotional and social support for the people in their lives. This is a charming reminder of these common but still special connections. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The impulse to create photographs springs from my near desperate drive to capture the details of the changing seasons of childhood. Anticipatory grief for what will be lost to growth and change has been one of many emotional experiences of motherhood for me. I feel the bi-directional pull of wanting my children to stay the same and to grow. I grieve and celebrate every milestone, every centimeter added. Photography is my balm and consolation; it lets me freeze my children in this moment and it lets me release them with joy and gratitude into the next. Black and white photography creates for me a revelatory experience of seeing my children and light in elemental form.

Image: Holding hands with Olive.


Posed in this human-like setting these two dogs seem to take on human personas – one seemingly very unimpressed the other sheepish and coy – as if both reacting to a serious conversation. The photographer has thoughtfully created this staged scene, with the contrast of seriousness and absurdness intertwined via a muted color palette and playful props. A truly enjoyable photograph, both comical and considered, and one where we’d love to hear more about the concept and “making of”. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Tea for Two.


The viewer would be forgiven for initially thinking this was a vintage postcard, with its warm rich tones and pops of vibrant red and light blue – not to mention its strangely teamed subjects. The man wears an odd expression across his face, as if quite used to his portrait being taken but not ever comfortable with the process. His pets, worn like accessories, are like extensions of him as they perch comfortably in strange positions. A truly enigmatic and absorbing portrait. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – A man shares a beautiful bond with his pets which he rents out for a living. Met on an uphill trek in Himachal, India.


Not the type of photograph usually taken of an orangutan – it’s vibrant orange coat hidden under the chequered black and white. The photographer has carefully sought out this wonderful little moment and framed it to create this captivating portrait. The patterned shadows add another layer of mystery to this magnificent great ape. An extraordinary shared moment. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Peek-A-Boo. An orangutan shelters amongst some bushes to escape the intense heat of the sun.


This supernatural scene immediately peaks the viewer’s interest, pondering the otherworldly colors of the night sky and strange silhouettes that appear equally familiar and unfamiliar. Although enchanting to the viewer, these sheep seem unperturbed by the dramatic backdrop of the animated sky. The inclusion of these animals on the landscape elevates the image beyond the typical perspective we see of the northern lights. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Northern Lights Silhouette, Lofoten, Norway.


There is a subtle, underlying sense of humour in this image as the bird moves blissfully but aimlessly along in its vast watery surroundings. How interesting to observe this little animal in such an immense setting, the horizon out of shot as if it could float into infinity. The tranquil waters and wash of blues creates a calm scene for the viewer to get lost in, as if they can transcend and become for a moment the little sea bird at the center of this waterscape. – LIFE FRAMER


An unnatural and unsettling scene unfolds before the viewer, the photographer ensuring to include the surrounding, harsh details of this man-made environment to emphasize the unsavoury aspects of the setting. The contrasting light between aquarium and vending machine adds to the uneasy feeling of this photograph, as the shadowy sole viewer looks on with as much hopelessness as the seal. A deep and unnerving narrative on the loose ethics of keeping animals in captivity for our entertainment, that speaks -fairly or not- of our voyeuristic, transactional relationship with the natural world. – LIFE FRAMER


The accompanying text anchors the image, as if the viewer is allowed to read from the photographer’s personal travel journal to gain another perspective on this wintery scene. Both human and horse seem intrigued by one another’s presence in the cold and isolated landscape. A beautifully composed winterscape is born from this brief and unexpected encounter. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – I remember driving through the northern region of Iceland and spotting several farm animals along the route. However, one horse, in particular, stood out to me, prompting me to stop abruptly in the middle of the highway to admire it. Against the backdrop of freshly fallen snow, this white horse blended seamlessly into its surroundings, almost camouflaged. Intrigued, I retrieved my camera as the horse approached, its curiosity piqued by my presence.


The framed silhouette perfectly depicts the photographer’s sentiment on the relationship between humans and animals in western society – one that is contained and controlled by many perceptions. The use of black and white adds another buffer to our connection with the animal kingdom, while the dominating shadows portray our fears and uncertainty around the true natural world. A symbolic, cleverly composed scene. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – In western societies we rarely interact with animals in a pure natural context, many of them being part of farming or pet breeding and holding systems. This image is from a series taken with analog BW film and medium format cameras. The images show real animals personalities in a society related context.


The clarity and crispness of the image allow the viewer to get a real sense of the surrounding terrain and see the subject confident and content in its natural environment. The bear’s coat is detailed and luscious in the cold daylight, the vibrant forest floor and dark forest backdrop enhancing the presence of this intimidating, predatory animal. A splendid scene, one of both power and grace. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – My absolute favorite photo. A brown bear from the Carpathians in Romania.


Light and dark work in unison rather than contrast throughout this scene, giving the photograph its dramatic edge, while the textures and tones of the goats’ long, cream hair add to its tactile qualities. It’s easy to understand why the photographer compares the photograph to a Baroque style of painting, where shadowed areas are as much a character in the scene as the subjects themselves. A stunningly exposed and composed image. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Goats coming out of their enclosure in a lost farm in Lombardy. The natural light brings out the beasts like in a Caravaggio painting.


There are so many strong elements at play within this one picture, the demeanour of both horse and rider conveying a confident and comfortable relationship. The idea of showcasing this traditional and poignant culture as it navigates a new generation is a fascinating topic for a series. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Over the past year I have been immersed in what I hope to be a lifelong exploration of the rich tapestry of horse culture across Southern Africa. I have endeavoured to capture moments and narratives that unfold within the lives of individuals deeply connected to these wonderful animals.

In this ongoing series, I pay homage to the symbiotic bond between humans and horses, a bond that resonates profoundly with me on a personal level. I hope for the photos to represent the love and reverence shared between kindred spirits–individuals who, like me, have been shaped by the presence of horses in their lives. Pictured in this excerpt of a larger body of work is Aamina Anthony, an accomplished young Muslim woman hailing from Zandvlei, the historic heart of South Africa’s Muslim community and Survivor, her American Saddlebred horse.

My focus extends beyond documentation; my intention is to delve into the transformative power of horses in the lives of young South Africans. In a time marked by challenges and upheaval, these equine companions serve as steadfast guides, offering solace and catharsis to those navigating the complexities of coming of age. As a fellow South African woman of colour, I find kinship and resonance with the subjects of my work. Having grown up alongside horses myself, I intimately understand the influence they wield in shaping identity and fostering growth.hrough the larger series, I aim not only to capture fleeting moments but to weave together a narrative that celebrates the enduring bond between humans and horses–a bond that transcends time, culture, and circumstance.


Storytelling and tradition merge to bring the viewer between past and present in this one scene, becoming simultaneously unfamiliar and nostalgic. The mountainous backdrop with its passing clusters of clouds, appears both faint and dramatic all at once. The costumed cows engage the viewer’s imagination, allowing the animals to take on a higher cultural or even spiritual status. – LIFE FRAMER

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