Making Luck



“The adage ‘luck favors the prepared’ holds true. I truly believe that you have to create your chances and the best way to do so is by being prepared.”

Abhishek Shetty won 1st Prize in our recent Black & White competition with a dramatic image – full of atmosphere and uncertainty and, as judge Marta Weiss put it, one “that embraces the potential of black and white”.

His route into photography has been completely organic, and one that has developed from whim to fully-fledged passion in just two short years. Keen to know more about his background, approach and aspirations, we put some questions to him, and his responses are well considered and insightful, offering food for thought for all of us…

Dear Abhishek, congratulations on winning our Black & White competition! What did you make of the judges’ comments?

I would like to thank Marta Weiss and Life Framer for this award which also happens to be my first photography award. This image has been close to my heart and now with those comments, it is even more special. It helped me see my own photo in a new light. This award came at the right time, it is a huge motivator and provides valuable direction for my photographic journey.

Can you tell us a little bit more about the shot and the circumstances behind it?

The adage ‘luck favours the prepared’ definitely holds true. I truly believe that you have to create your chances and the best way to do so is by being prepared. The more you are out there with your camera prepared, knowing that the next image could come from anywhere, the better your chances are. At The Lume’s ‘Monet & Friends’ visual art experience, enclosed spaces with stark contrasts of light and shadow provided the perfect backdrop for this dramatic image. As I was roaming around enjoying the experience, I saw a lady walk into an enclosed space, I noticed how the entryway framed the subject perfectly prompting me to take the shot. I usually don’t look at the shots immediately after so when I reviewed them later, I also noticed a pair of children silhouetted against a block of light adding another layer of visual interest. So, luck played its part too.

Tell us a little bit more about yourself and your photographic approach… what drives you?

My creative journey began with painting in school, as that was the only visual art form readily available at the time. After moving to Melbourne, I was eager to explore new artistic avenues. I picked up a camera and it was a revelation. I started practicing photography as an art form about 2 years ago.

What started as an interest quickly turned into a consuming hobby and now it is a full-fledged passion. When I am not working, I am immersed in the world of photography. Whether I am out on the streets or at home editing and learning from photobooks and films, I am constantly honing my craft. I also feel that my background in construction fuels my fascination with urban environments, and I love how people interact with these spaces. Because of this most of my photos will have a human presence.

What drives me is my hunger to create powerful images that tell a story. Most of my shots are instinctive. The feeling that compels me to click the shutter is often a fleeting one. I rarely force myself into taking a shot. Which means there are days I come back home with nothing, but it is those days that make me appreciate the perfect moment when it arrives.


We believe you live in Melbourne, having grown up in Mumbai? Have you had a chance to shoot in both of these cities? What observations would you make?

My photographic journey began in Melbourne, so I haven’t had a ton of experience shooting in Mumbai. However, I definitely enjoyed shooting there during my short visit to India last year thanks to the city’s extremely chaotic nature that rarely slows down. The vibrant markets and never-ending movement provide endless inspiration. Although I enjoy shooting in both colour and black and white, it is not an easy decision to make in Mumbai. The vibrant colours are undeniably tempting but it is always interesting to take the colours off and look at what’s hiding behind those colours. The weather in Mumbai is also much more favourable for outdoor photography.

Interestingly, people in Mumbai seemed more open to being photographed as compared to the more private nature I have experienced in Melbourne.

Where do you hope your photographic journey will take you? Is there a goal in mind?

This is a question I quite often think about. While the idea of exploring personal projects sounds exciting, I don’t want to rush into anything specific right now. I believe that the most impactful projects often emerge organically. For now, my primary focus is to keep shooting consistently, hone my skills and allowing my photographic style to evolve naturally.

Aside from your winning image, can you tell us about a shot you’re particularly proud of… Perhaps one you took recently?

There are a few images that hold a special place in my heart, but one from late last year stands out. The image was taken when I was riding a tram during Melbourne’s peak hour rush [see below]. Amidst the crowded and noisy environment, I spotted two women with one resting her head gently on the shoulder of another woman, both gazing out the window. The woman who was seated away from the window held a vibrant bouquet of flowers. I was standing right in front of them and luckily, I was carrying a 35mm lens during the time, so I did not have to move much to take the shot. I also wanted to ensure that the women do not notice me as it would have ruined the beautiful moment. So, I held the camera at my waist level and took a blind shot and decided to not look at the image. When I reviewed them later, it was exactly as I envisioned – a breath of tenderness amidst the urban chaos.


Who or what inspires you and your photographic practice?

My inspiration comes from all over. Just being out there on the streets watching the world unfold around me whether or not I am shooting is a constant source of inspiration. Movies also play a big role. I remember watching the opening scene of Wong Kar-wai’s Chungking Express, for example, and that planted the seed of exploring intentional camera movement. Its energetic use of saturated colour and composition really inspires me.

Photobooks are another source of inspiration. I recently picked up the photobook ‘Reclaim the Street’ and I cannot stop admiring the work of all the talented photographers from the book. I admire the work of Harry Gruyaert. His use of colour is nothing less than masterful. It is interesting to note that while there’s numerous discussions around camera gear, to me the right camera gear has always been the one that makes me want to create more.

Instagram is a great platform for discovering work of other artists. What also fuels my passion is seeing all these powerful images from so many talented photographers. All these things inspire me pushing me to constantly learn and find new ways to photograph.

What’s the best piece of advice you’d pass on to your younger self if you could?

Looking back, there is not much I’d change about my photographic journey. I discovered photography organically which is truly special. I remember walking into a camera store on a whim, picking up a camera, and being drawn to capturing everything around me. I started doing street photography without even knowing that something of that sort existed. It wasn’t until later that I came across the term ‘street photography’. If I could offer any piece of advice to my younger self, it would be this: Don’t stop looking for images wherever you go. The world is your canvas, and a great image can be found anywhere. All you have to do is keep training your eye to see it!

And finally, what are your plans for the rest of 2024?

2024 is proving to be a pivotal year for my photography. I am actively going out more, honing my photographic eye and refining my vision. I am also particularly interested in exploring certain techniques, mainly intentional camera movement (ICM). I am also planning a trip to Mumbai towards the end of the year, so it will be interesting to see the images I come back with and how my photography evolves this year.

All images © Abhishek Shetty

Follow him on Instagram: @abhishekxstreet.

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